Phone +91-9973721353 / 9264186561

Vision & Mission

Our Vision

Our vision for Zenith Public School begins with the need for the whole community to rally behind the needs of each individual. Zenith Public School will do everything it can, but we cannot do it alone. ZPS's mission is to give an interesting all-around education as the first step toward a personally rewarding and socially valuable existence. Young people must be enthusiastic about the world in which they live. It is a complicated and sometimes perplexing environment, but the primary goal of a good education is to provide students with the chance to make sense of the world and their role in it. This entails developing more than just a body of information; students must also develop skills and attitudes in order to be successful.

Our Mission

The mission of Zenith Public School, in collaboration with our community and parents, is to provide all students with an outstanding education that motivates them to reach their full potential and enables them to discover their interests and stories, pursue their goals and dreams, and succeed in school, the workforce, and as engaged citizens.

Zenith Public School adores its students. Zenith Public School is the everyday manifestation of such concern. We believe that every kid can achieve their goal at Zenith Public School, but we also recognize that schools alone cannot teach our children. We require and appreciate the assistance of our whole community; our children require caring parents who nurture them, send them to school ready to learn, read to them, and assist them with their homework. The objectives of ZPS are:

  • To enable students achieve their dreams and reach their potential in whatever they aim to do.
  • To provide unparalleled academic excellence and wonderful future career prospects in a humane and caring pastoral environment.
  • To promote ethical practices and the development of social awareness and responsibility in all of our students.
  • To establish a community whose strength lies in its integrity, loyalty, honesty, and dedication to achieve great things in life with clear vision and humility.
  • To widen the intellectual horizons of students through global exposure to activities in the arts, sciences, competitions and social services.
  • To stimulate well-being and character development through cultural, social, academic and sporting co-curricular activities at the highest level.
  • To foster independence of mind and spirit through kindly guidance and nurturing.
  • To set the highest of professional and educational standards and goals and to strive with passion and perseverance towards them.
  • To encourage all students to aim high in whatever they do, and to impose no limits on students’ ambitions.
  • To take pride in, praise, promote and support all that is excellent in our students.
  • To provide love, care, support, and encouragement equally to students of all backgrounds and nationalities, all races and religions, creating within the school a harmonious multicultural learning environment in which all students are equally important, happy and successful.